Sector: B2B / SaaS



<aside> 💡 Picks is on a mission to end loneliness through community-as-a-service. According to a recent study from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, 36% of all Americans experience 'serious loneliness' and 72% of workers globally feel lonely at least monthly. Picks is designed to solve this problem. Our end-to-end networking platform intakes user preferences on a weekly cadence, uses interests to generate curated 6-person groups, then schedules and facilitates meaningful in-person conversations or activities. The Picks platform has applications in both employee engagement/retention (B2B) and finding new friends wherever you live (B2C). Picks is the automated friendship creation engine.


**Link to Demo Day Video:** (passcode: cu.%eB3H)

Link to Deck

Founder Linkedins: Michael and Jason