Click on the company pages below to learn more about the impressive teams in our S22 cohort

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Company Pages

Banabo: Ramp for marketing

Neat: Superhuman for developers

Arda: Building the next generation of logistics

Spica: Building the world’s most efficient wire harness factory

Prende Health: Transforming chronic care for women

Ostium: Bringing commodity markets on chain

Solon: Simplifying user experience on Ethereum & layer 2s

Picks: On a mission to end loneliness through community

Alpaca: Building the future of neuro-immunology care

Daelus Space: The Universe’s resource provider

Clay: NFT community engagement for everyone

Sotira: Financial tool for ecommerce sellers and resellers

opdefi: Decentralized asset management infrastructure

Arrow AI: an ML infra platform to help teams better test their models and understand their data

DeepReason Web3 security suite to solve smart contract auditing